Sunday, April 24, 2011


(The latest addition to my apartment and yet another attempt to grow something.)

Fifty-five days ago I gave up Diet Coke, and while it wasn't part of some Lenten fast, I know it has been through my faith alone that it has actually been easy. The skeptics, agnostics and atheists among you scoff. While the addiction was not to alcohol or drugs, it was still an addiction to be reckoned with. I talked of my suppliers or dealers, most of whom knew me by name. Mood swings were my reality without my regular fix, quick to anger without my bottle in hand. Like many other good addicts, I would forsake food and other necessities, if needed, in order to get my fix.

Anyway, I mention this on Easter because not only has it been 55 days (hell yeah!) but also because I am so very thankful. I am thankful for my faith and a God that has shown us the very meaning of sacrifice. What better day than this day to talk about how thankful I am that He makes everything I do bearable...better.

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